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  Sterling Heights Moratorium on Smart Meters Part 2

Transmitting Smart Meters

Gauss Meters

Magnetic Field Meters

Radio Frequency Meters

Several members of Council indicated that DTE’s plan for no opt-outs was “not acceptable”.

At least one member of Council had advocated a complete and permanent ban on smart meters by any gas or electric utility within Sterling Heights. The intent was to protect not only the individual right to opt-out but also to protect the community as a whole from an undesirable technology. There was not sufficient support for this strong resolution, and a weaker one was finally adopted which addressed only the question of an individual’s right to opt out.

The effectiveness of this moratorium may not be tested for some time as DTE apparently has no plan to install inSterling Heightsfor a few years yet. However it does put the utility on notice that they may need to ultimately satisfy the Council before they can begin their deployment there.

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