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Earthing Grounding

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Grounding Earthing

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Earthing Starter Kit

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Smart Meter Dangers - Natural Health Innovations, Houston Part 5


Smart Electricity Meters

Smart Meter Problems

The bigger picture, however, is that this constant toxic exposure must be stopped. Dr. Don Maisch, of EMF Facts Australia, describes this as "the manipulation of telecommunications standards by political, military, and industrial vested interests at the expense of public health protection." In this completely askew scenario, corporations now have the same rights as humans.

However, we also have lost our constitutional and human rights (even going back to early and basic protection from Magna Carta), while corporations have become more powerful at the expense of everything else. Brought to its extreme manifestation, we now have numerous global stealth military programs of vast physical danger and mental injury. An uninformed, poorly educated public cannot make critical decisions about any major issues, if education is gutted (while the US has a behemoth military budget) and real news is not reported especially if people are no longer able to think clearly.

With these abundant new medical and scientific reports, we have ample evidence that precaution was never considered, as so much money is involved and projects went forward without any ethical base. Leading the way are two key documents: the Seletun Scientific Statement [published after a 3-day scientific panel discussing the existing scientific evidence and public health implications on a global level of exposure to artificial EMFs] and the Bioinitiative Report.


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Smart Meters Radiation Protection

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Click on any of the pictures below to learn more

Research Center For Wireless Technology



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