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Smart Meter Dangers - Natural Health Innovations, Houston Part 4


Smart Electricity Meters

Smart Meter Problems

We already have serious interpersonal issues that are frequently mistaken for psychological problems. Yes, we have enormous and multiple problems and that, of course, puts high stress on all of us. I continue to say that this is a multi-pronged assault on us. However, we MUST remember that so many of today's crises were deliberately created behind closed doors by elite insiders. Even taking this into account, people do not want to be told that they are "not thinking clearly" even if it is true. Being defensive, ignoring it, blaming the messenger, and/or being in denial are the easy ways out. Denial is a very powerful human emotion especially if some portion of it has a bio/physiological component to it, due to environmentally caused brain dysfunction and damage. Not dealing with this colossal crisis is far easier than taking personal responsibility and doing the necessary self-examination urgently required. If our ability to think clearly and make essential decisions about our lives is taken away, due to this, then we are collectively in grave trouble. We already have a huge deficit in critical thinking. Thus, it is absolutely essential (before a person cannot do so) to contemplate the consequences of personal and then massive societal poisoning. Ignoring this also continues to let corporations and deceptive government officials off the hook; and they are never held responsible for the chaos they created.

How much of today's basic lack of civility and courtesy are actually early symptoms of EMF/RF brain dysfunction and heavy metals poisoning? Rudeness is the order of the day. The break-down of "civil" society is well under way. People are very forgetful: phone calls are not returned, nor are e-mails or regular mail. It is increasingly rare to have someone maintain eye contact. It's easier to text someone than have real human interaction. Adults and children appear to have a short attention span and short fuses. Children spend increasingly long hours isolated, watching the garbage on TV (and programs often filled with tremendous violence), using cell phones or texting, rather than having the human-interaction of a play date. In millions of households, quality family time is nil. Recently, I heard a three-year-old say to an elder: "I'm too busy now to talk to you"! In response, the parent said nothing. What is wrong with this picture?

I am calling this "techno-corporagenic cognitive dysfunction."(11) Techno-corporagenic cognitive dysfunction is human caused by the flagrant lack of both precaution and ethical values. This new and dangerous technology has been funded by insider elite-controlled money and produced by corporations beholden to no safety precautions. This, then, is unleashed on us. This is yet another breakdown of societal safety norms because environmental laws have been gutted. There is no corporate concern about dangers involved in usage or critical biological consequences. We are all expendable for their bottom line.

This dangerous technology (from GMOs and toxic food and vaccine additives to cell phones and "smart" meters) has been unleashed and marketed to manipulate consumers to think of it as the "coolest, must have product, food or gizmo." The younger the child, the better –because they have not learned judgment, or cannot because of early brain impairment. Parents often are completely clueless about these dangers, because they use the technology, too. These instilled marketing desires now have precedence over safety. With more than 5-billion cell phones in use around our planet, we now have an epidemic of glioma brain cancers that used to be rare. Two of my own friends (both in their early 40s) died from gliomas. This is hardly reported by mainstream media. The corporations can continue to poison us, while never being held responsible or accountable.

The new scientific evidence we now have indicates that the blood-brain barrier has been breached and also that damage is documented at a cellular level in the brain. When 143 proteins, essential for all cellular functioning, are damaged and altered when exposed to electromagnetic radiation, we DO have a major crisis! Frangopoulou et al.'s newly published research shows that radiation exposure "is capable of detuning learning/memory functions and possibly other brain functions important in person-to-person communication and understanding. I believe we are already seeing this on a day-to-day level, for those who are paying attention to this crisis.

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