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George Carlo's work as a pathologist

and epidemiologist for the Cell Phone Industry

It was, in a sense, a fluke that first brought George Carlo and Tom Wheeler together in 1993. But in another sense it was the sort of happenstance that actually occurs just about every day somewhere

in the nation's capital. The two were introduced by a public-relations man who was trying to become a power broker between industry and government.

In the spring of 1993, Carlo was at a bed-and-breakfast inn he owned on the Maryland shore of the Chesapeake Bay when he received a telephone call from Mark Shannon, of the Ketchum public relations firm in Washington, D.C., who knew of Carlo's work as a pathologist and epidemiologist willing to get involved in the business of giving advice to industries. Shannon wanted to consult—to get a few expert thoughts and phrases. He was about to meet with the cell phone industry's chief lobbyist, when he would be making a pitch on damage control in the hopes of landing a lucrative PR contract.

Carlo listened, then gave some quick advice. Almost as an afterthought, Shannon asked Carlo to come along to the meeting with Wheeler, thinking this would add scientific credibility to his PR pitch. And so, a few days later, Carlo found himself in an office building on 21st Street NW that at the time housed the CTIA. (As the industry's fortunes soared in the years to come, Wheeler moved the association into its current headquarters on Connecticut Avenue.) A dark-haired, 46-year-old career lobbyist, Wheeler had already earned a reputation for his ability to move within Washington's corridors of power.

He'd become known as one of the capital's most savvy movers and shakers when he served for five years as president of the cable television industry's trade association. He'd been with the grocery manufacturers' trade association before that. In short, Wheeler had long ago proven his mastery of the Washington art of political science. In the coming years of crisis in the cell phone industry, he would expand his skills into the selective use of highly political science.

 Wheeler struck Carlo as a formidable and commanding presence, a take-charge CEO. Indeed, he was that. His book, entitled Leadership Lessons from the Civil War, summed up his own management style in his choice of chapter titles: "Lesson One: Dare to Fail; Don't Confuse Victory With Avoiding a Loss . . . Lesson Three: Yesterday's Tactics Make Today's Defeats; Embrace Change . . . Lesson Five: Information Is Only Critical If It Is Used.


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