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Fukushima Meltdown Leads To Anger


Cell phone radiation, Cell phone protection

Fukushima Power Plant

EMF Protection Devices

Magnetic Field Detector

November 7, 2011 | Mark Willacy

TONY EASTLEY: With anger building over their government's handling of the Fukushima nuclear meltdowns many Japanese have begun conducting their own radiation tests on everything from food to footpaths.

Some people are refusing to let their children go to school because of fall-out fears while others are making arrangements to migrate.

Fuelling their concerns are new international reports suggesting more radiation has leaked into the ocean and atmosphere than estimated by Japanese authorities.

North Asia correspondent Mark Willacy reports from Yokohama.

(Sound of a blender)

MARK WILLACY: In the middle of his fruit and vegetable shop Akio Takaoka blends up a juicy grapefruit. http://www.abc.net.au/am/content/2011/s3357510.htm

But he's not making a refreshing drink for his customers. He's preparing to test the fruit for radioactive contamination.

(Sound of Akio Takaoka speaking)

"A massive amount of radiation was emitted from the Fukushima nuclear plant," he tells me. "Food became contaminated so because of that I didn't want to sell anything that could possibly be radioactive. So I bought this special machine that can check if there's radioactive contamination," he says.

The grapefruit passes with flying colours.

The same can't be said for a bag of green tea grown more than 300 kilometres from the smouldering remains of the Fukushima plant.

It registers 400 becquerels of radioactive caesium per kilogram - close to Japan's safe limit for food and above what the World Health Organization considers safe.

Here today scrutinising every carrot, every onion, and every apple she buys is Toshiko Yasuda.

After the Fukushima meltdowns she established a movement called "Protect the Children of Yokohama from Radiation".

(Sound of Toshiko Yasuda)

"Now we have more than a thousand members," she tells me. "It's because the government's response to this crisis has been so slow. Our biggest concern is food contamination. We need to protect our children who are vulnerable to radiation," she says.

A few blocks away in her apartment building Junko Eto is preparing lunch. The asparagus she's cooking is from Peru, the bacon is from the US and the white sauce from New Zealand.

Unlike the Protect the Children of Yokohama from Radiation movement she refuses to buy any Japanese produce at all no matter how well it's checked.

(Sound of Junko Eto speaking)

"I prefer to buy produce from Australia and New Zealand," Junko Eto says. "If I can't then I get food from the US, Canada or Europe," she adds.

Junko Eto doesn't believe a word she's told by her government or the Fukushima authorities. She's even pulled her son out of primary school and is now planning to leave Japan.

"I want to go to Australia. It doesn't have any nuclear power plants," she tells me.

It's standing room only back at Akio Takaoka's fruit and vegetable shop. Word is getting around that he has a machine capable of detecting radiation in food.

Here fear can spread faster than fall-out - a sign perhaps that few trust anything their government or the operator of Fukushima tell them.




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