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cell phone radiation research, hyperelectrosensitivity from cell phone radiation

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Cell Phone Radiation

Cell Phone Radiation Protection

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Many offices are full of electronic and electric appliances, computers, faxes, printers, photocopiers, air conditioners, de-humidifiers, electric fans, etc. Phones and burglar alarms can use microwaves. Computers are increasingly networked using microwaves. All these can make working life unbearable for the EHS office worker.

In the community

Schools, hospitals, residential homes, shops are all full of fluorescent lighting and other equipment that can provoke idiopathic reactions in the EHS person, making their tolerance level even more sensitised. Most shops have electronic tills, and security tagging devices, for stock control and to prevent theft. All these can produce symptoms for the person with EHS.

Mobile phone street masts are springing up everywhere, in residential areas, city centres, shopping malls, train and bus stations. These can produce very severe symptoms in people with EHS.


All modern forms of transport (Cars, trains, trams, planes, buses and coaches) can have high levels of electromagnetic fields. Older cars, more basic planes are usually less of a problem. Trains are becoming more of a problem with the addition of wireless computing facilities on board and in stations.

Other things you might consider doing to keep as healthy as possible

People with EHS should wear clothes and shoes made of natural materials or even special conductive clothing and footwear that is made for workers in the electronics semiconductor industry. You need to have flooring that is made of natural material, as you build up static charges every time you move your feet. You should 'earth' yourself frequently, by touching metal objects, or walking barefoot on the earth. Drink plenty of 'good' water, extra to what you take in tea and coffee, which are diuretic. People in general suffer from sub-clinical de-hydration, and it seems to be more of a problem for people with EHS.

Some people with EHS benefit from many complementary health treatments. These have not had a lot of researched done, but there is some information in the book on EHS (below).

For further information see the EMFields website www.emfields.org for the range of Powerwatch publications, 'Electrical Hypersensitivity, a Modern Illness' which contains detailed references to the research mentioned in this article, and 'The Powerwatch Handbook' which has a chapter on avoiding EHS, and plenty of practical advice on reducing your exposure to potentially damaging electromagnetic fields.

Portugal, Lisbon,
Ireland, Dublin,
Zambia, Lusaka,
Kiribati, South Tarawa,
Qatar, Doha,
Sydney, Australia
Vietnam, Hanoi,
Czech Rep, Prague,
Norway, Oslo,
Russian Federation, Moscow City


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